CPSH Public Service Announcements

Currently in the DFW metropolitan area, there are over 250,000 adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD) living with at least one challenge to living independently.  These adults are diagnosed with autism, Down syndrome, Fragile X syndrome, Prader-Willi syndrome, and other disabilities.  There are beds in Medicaid Waiver Group Homes and Centers for only 2% of adults in the state of Texas.

As a result of advancing medical care, these adults are outliving their parents.  Safe, affordable housing in communities across North Texas is needed so these adults can live productive, satisfying lives when their parents are no longer able to care for them due to failing health or death. Without housing options, the growing disability population will have housing forced upon them and worse, no housing at all.

Community for Permanent Supported Housing (CPSH), a North Texas charity, has identified ways to create more Service-Enriched Housing  in our neighborhoods.  

CPSH has been instrumental in finding apartments and homes for adults with disabilities in Texas.  However, many individuals with disabilities and their families, educators, and service providers are unaware of these options. CPSH is available to support families who are interested in independent living for their adult children. But we need your help.

To educate and engage all stakeholders, CPSH has created several  public service announcements (PSAs). The PSAs will show that adults with disabilities thrive when they can live on their own. 

By airing one of these message, together, we can continue to work toward helping the 97,000 families who need to address housing for their adult children but have not known how to navigate this journey. We hope that you will join us in our effort by running the PSAs periodically. 

Thank you!  Contact CPSH at admin@txcpsh.org