A Parent Guide

(Pre-launch announcement)

Over the years CPSH has been hearing from parents about how confusing it is to find the information they need to help their children become more independent.

CPSH brings to you Planning for Independent Living: A Texas Parent’s Guide to Independent Living for Adult Children with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities.

Click on image above. for ordering information

Click on image above. for ordering information

This is a resource that will help you find the information you need to plan for your child's future.  It contains information for parents who want their child to be independent; whether they live at home or live away from home.  The guide is useful for parents of children of any age.

The information in this guide is an introduction to topics such as Legal, SSI/SSDI, Health & Services, State-Level Services, Employment, Transportation, Community Participation. Encouraging Independence, CPSH Housing Programs.  There are links to more information when you are ready to learn more.

You don't need to research this information on your own.  CPSH has done it for your.  Every reference has been "tested" for usefulness.

This guide will ease your mind to know there is a place you can go to learn about independence.  Our children can become more independent, wherever they live.

CPSH estimates a parent will save at least 40 hrs of time in meetings and searching for information contained in the guide.

No more wondering what you need to do to plan for independence,

No more searching through piles and binders of papers that you've collected for years.

No more more setting information aside because it's just too complicated.

How does that sound?

Educators and Service providers, wouldn't this guide help you support families during planning meetings?

Click on the image above for more information.


GuideCPSH Site