

Welcome to the CPSH website.  As an educator of students living with intellectual and developmental disabilities  and social challenges, you guide students and their families through the ARD process and ensure IEP goals are met. Often during transition planning, families have difficulty making plans and deciding where their student will live in 5 years, 10 years, and further into the future.  Families may have difficultly giving their students independence and helping the student prepare for the transition to adulthood and more independent living.

You and these families may not be aware that there is a lack of safe, affordable, enriching housing for adults living with intellectual and developmental disabilities (such as Autism, Down Syndrome, Fragile X Syndrome, and traumatic brain injury).  The state of Texas estimates that there are enough living accommodations for only about three percent of this population if their parents are unable to care for them.

It is very important that these families are aware of the lack of housing, understand what funding is available, and make flexible plans for their child's living situation.  In most situations, there will be a time when the parents are no longer able to care for their child in their family homes. Other housing options will be needed.

Community for Permanent Supported Housing (CPSH),  a nonprofit charity,  is working with families as well as public, private, and volunteer sectors to address the lack of residential options.  The CPSH website is full of information about our efforts.

CPSH helps families transition their students and adult children to independent living.

CPSH would like to help you in the discussions regarding transition and future housing options.  We welcome the opportunities to meet with staff, parents, PTAs, other organizations and participate in transition fairs. We are ready to discuss the issue, the progress that CPSH and the community have made, and make plans for the future. The Q&A sessions help us all understand parents' concerns.

You are also invited to volunteer with CPSH and encourage parents to volunteer.  It's a great way to participate in creating housing solutions. Select the Volunteer button to the right.

Thank you for all you do to guide your students and help their families.

Please contact us if you have any questions, ideas or would like to invite CPSH to an event.