AttendantCare Update - 18,000 Letters!

CPSH presented the issue of AttendantCare to the Intellectual and Developmental Disability System Redesign Advisory Committee in Austin. AttendantCare is part of the committee's efforts. The following points were addressed:

  • AttendantCare needs to be addressed immediately for all adults with IDD community and those with social challenges regardless of IQ. Including but not limited to those who qualify for medicaid waiver programs but haven’t moved off the interest list, as well as those whose IQ’s are above 70 and have challenges to living independently. Adults in all of these situations deserve the same opportunities to live their best lives with each other and others who don’t live with these challenges. Community First Choice is a good start. I will be watching this to ensure the level of need is addressed sufficiently, so that peole whose parents are aging can move out of their parent’s homes permanently.


  • In addition to having these services available, the compensation rate for caregivers needs to be addressed. If the pay is not a living wage the providers will have a difficult time staffing with the right skill set. Caregivers need to be educated in how to work with these consumers, showing respect and patience. This is a job creation opportunity for Texas. There are hundreds if not thousands of students in the Texas University system that have majors in social sciences - such as social work - who would make great care givers.

AttendantCare supporters are sending about 18,000 letters to Austin. Thank you to everyone who participated in this advocacy effort. CPSH volunteers will be at the Texas State Capital on 2/5 and 2/6 to deliver letters to Texas elected officials about the importance of AttendantCare and the need to provide regulations and budget for these services in this Legislative Session.

"Every letter is worth 100 votes." 

"As few as 10 letters on any one topic can sway a legislator's vote."

A special "Thank you" to Paul Drake, Todd Flippen, Kathy Cox, David Catlett, Taylor Drake, David LeoGrande, Amanda Balderas and Jim LeoGrande for their tremendous time and effort to assist in printing and processing the letters, with CPSH Board Members Jane Drake, Brenda Catlett, Virginia Phillips, and Robin LeoGrande.

Newsletter, AttendantCareCPSH