Female Roommate Wanted

Young adult female with high functioning autism/asperger syndrome is looking for a similarly functioning young adult female to share a 2 bed 2 bath, 871 square foot apartment in a highly desirable, and safe, location in Plano, Texas.  Apartment complex is on main DART bus route and within a healthy walking distance to grocery and restaurants.

Rent is approximately $550/month, not including utilities, cable and washer/dryer rental.  Roommate must have financial resources to commit to a 12 month lease contract.

Compatible roommate would be high functioning; able to self medicate (if necessary); self sufficient in personal hygiene and housekeeping; sociable and share at least some interests in video gaming, Japanese anime/manga, world history, creative writing and/or reading.  Roommate cannot have any allergic reaction to a cat.

Hope to hear from you soon!
phone: 817.307.7112
email: abbyjenna29@gmail.com