DADS Releases Free Training on Mental Health Wellness for Individuals with an IDD

If you care for, support or advocate for a person with an IDD, a new free online training, Mental Health Wellness for Individuals with an Intellectual or Developmental Disability (MHW-IDD) might be for you.  The link to the training is here:

This 6-part e-learning training series was developed by DADS and DSHS to educate direct service workers and others about behavioral health needs of people who have an IDD and a co-occurring behavioral health condition. This training looks at challenging behavior in a new way and emphasizes the importance of supporting mental wellness in individuals with an IDD.

Through the modules in this course, you will learn to recognize the "whole person," and to gain a better understanding of different factors that influence the way people with IDD think, feel and behave. You will also learn how you can positively impact their quality of life.

The full course curriculum contains the following modules:

Co-occurring disorders: Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities (IDD) and Mental Illness
Trauma-informed Care for Individuals with IDD (Note:This training module is required for new ICF and SSLC employees who will be working directly with people with IDD)
Functional Behavior Assessment and Behavior Support
Overview of Genetic Syndromes Associated with IDD
Overview of Medical Conditions Associate with IDD
Putting It All Together: Supports and Strategies for DSWs
If you have questions regarding the content of this course, please email If you need assistance with the functionality of this course, please email